Greenhouse Heaters

All you need to know about Greenhouse Heaters

All you need to know about Greenhouse Heaters

Our aim at Greenhouse Heaters is to bring you as many informative articles as we can to help you get the most from your greenhouse and to ensure your seeds, plants and vegetables get off to the best start and can grow in the best environment you can provide.

Top Rated Electric Greenhouse Heaters

Biogreen PHX 2.8/GB Phoenix

Biogreen 2.8Kw Phoenix Electric Greenhouse Fan Heater
5 star rating
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A very quiet, but powerful, electric greenhouse heater that can either be floor mounted or hung aloft with the included hanging chains. If the PHX 2.8 doesn’t keep your greenhouse at the correct temperature, nothing will.

Botanico 2kw Greenhouse Heater

Botanico 2kw greenhouse heater
5 star rating
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An adjustable thermostatic control and a frost guard for the coldest days, means you have complete control of your greenhouse environment with this Botanico 2Kw greenhouse heater. Cheap in price but not cheap in performance.

Bio Green PAL 2.0/GB 2KW

Bio Green 2KW Palma Heater
4 star rating
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A floor standing greenhouse heater that generates 2000 watts of heating power into your environment. A digital thermostat allows this cheap running unit to control your greenhouse climate exactly how you want it.

Top Rated Paraffin Greenhouse Heaters

Major Marvel Greenhouse Heater

Major Marvel Greenhouse Heater
5 star rating
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The Major Marvel is a twin duplex burner that outputs some 650w of energy for up to 70 hours on one fill up of paraffin. Excellent value for money with low costs, the Major Marvel will dispense a steady stream of heat to your greenhouse.

Biogreen WM-P5 Warmax Power

Biogreen WM-P5 Warmax Power5 Paraffin Heater
4 star rating
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This traditionally designed paraffin greenhouse heater will uniformly heat your environment in an economically efficient manner. With a 40% longer burning time to similar models, the WM-P5 will also see reduced running costs!

Parasene Superwarm 4 Heater

Parasene Superwarm 4 Paraffin Heater
4 star rating
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The Parasene Superwarm 4 is one of the most popular greenhouse heaters on the market. It delivers good heat throughout a 6′ x 6′ greenhouse and comes with very good burn time on one tank full paraffin. A good buy for smaller greenhouses.

Electric Greenhouse Heaters
Paraffin Heaters
Propane Heaters
Guidelines For Choosing The Right Greenhouse Heater

Which Greenhouse Heater?

Check out our short guide on three types of greenhouse heaters that are available to buy.

Greenhouse Air Circulation

Greenhouse Air Circulation

Good circulation of air within your greenhouse is necessary to avoid future trouble.

Insulating A Greenhouse

Insulating A Greenhouse

Without very good insulation, your greenhouse will lose heat despite any heater you install.

greenhouse vent openers

Greenhouse Ventilation

During the summer your plants need chance to breath when the temperature gets too hot.

Why You Need A Greenhouse Heater

Greenhouse heaters are one of the most important considerations when you’re looking to grow your plants in a greenhouse. Without a sufficient heating system in place, your plants and vegetables can end in a very sorry state due to the cold of winter and frost.

In addition to heating, and for the opposite reasons outlined above, you’ll will also need to consider the cooling and ventilation aspects of your chosen system for the summer months. If your greenhouse gets too hot then your plants can become dehydrated.

The thermo-period is the change of daily temperatures within your greenhouse during the day / night cycle. The majority of plants engage in maximum growth when the daytime temperature is 10°F to 15°F higher than the night time temperature. A plant will photosynthesize and respire at optimum temperatures during the day and then slow its rate of respiration during the cooler night. As you can see, it’s imperative that you maintain this thermo-period if you are growing during the winter months in a greenhouse.

If any greenhouse heaters you install aren’t sufficient to maintain this temperature differential, then your plants and vegetables will suffer from poor growth. Photosynthesis is slowed down, generally, when the plant is exposed to low temperatures and with photosynthesis slowed, this results in slower growth and lower yields.

Conversely, during summer months, high temperatures can cause an increase in respiration at levels greater than the rate of photosynthesis which results in the products of photosynthesis being exhumed more rapidly than they are being produced. This can produce a degradation in the growth of the plant and it’s yield.

For growth to occur, photosynthesis needs to be higher than respiration – so having a good greenhouse heater can help immensely.

Heating and other options for your greenhouse

This is why it’s important for your greenhouse to have the correct heating solution that you can afford – the more you can encourage photosynthesis the greater your growth and yield.

There are a number of options for you to consider :

  • Greenhouse Heaters – by purchasing yourself one or more greenhouse heaters, you can thermostatically regulate the temperature within your greenhouse and help protect your plants and vegetables against frost during the winter. If you’re looking cheap and you have a small area to heat, you can get a simple electric greenhouse heater for less than £30.
  • Bubble Wrap Insulation – even without a greenhouse heater, simply coating the inside of your greenhouse with inexpensive bubble wrap, you can prevent heat loss and help maintain a healthy temperature for your plants.
  • Horticultural Fleece – during the winter months a simple fleece laid over your plants can retain a few extra degrees and offer some protection against a frost. Just make sure you remove it during the day to prevent the temperatures getting too high.

No matter how you choose to heat your greenhouse – whether with greenhouse heaters or not – you need to make sure that it’s well ventilated with good air circulation. Good ventilation is essential at keeping fungal diseases at bay which can thrive in a high humidity environment.

Make sure you water your plants early in the day and only provide what they need as this will keep down the humidity within your greenhouse and help prevent a build up of condensation. When condensation does occur, make sure you open your vents to allow fresh air to enter your greenhouse but remember to close them as the evening draws in so as to retain the greenhouse heat.

Guidelines For Choosing The Right Greenhouse Heater

Guidelines For Choosing The Right Greenhouse HeaterIf you own a greenhouse one piece of equipment you should consider purchasing for it is a heater. Greenhouse heaters are extremely important as they help to maintain a constant temperature within the greenhouse which fluctuates drastically throughout the day and year.

For those who choose not to have such equipment in their greenhouses they will find that the health of the plants inside it are badly affected.

The first thing you will learn when it comes to greenhouse heaters is that there are several different types to choose from. However, below we offer a few guidelines which you may find useful that can help you then to select the right sort of greenhouse heater. Read More >>

Greenhouse Air Circulation

Greenhouse Air CirculationOne of the most important aspects you need to consider when growing plants and vegetables is your greenhouse air circulation system. If you have a greenhouse heater installed simple physics tells us that the hot air that is generated will rise to the top of the greenhouse and cool or cold air will rest on the bottom – right where your plants are. It’s imperative, therefore, to ensure a uniform distribution of warm air throughout your greenhouse and to achieve this you need to ensure good air circulation.

Some greenhouse heaters work by heating a filament within the heater and then using a fan to help circulate the air throughout the greenhouse. Read More >>

Insulating A Greenhouse

Insulating A GreenhouseInsulating a greenhouse in your garden can help save a small fortune due to the rising energy prices that are squeezing us all at the moment. Even a small amount of insulation can add up in energy savings and in addition help to promote a warm and cosy greenhouse environment for your plants and vegetables.

While greenhouse heaters are necessary, certainly during winter growing when frost can seriously damage your plants and vegetables, the cost to initially set up and to maintain them during the year can add up, therefore greenhouse insulation is a must if you want to help your growth, increase your yield, protect against damage and save a few pennies to boot. Read More >>

Greenhouse Ventilation

greenhouse vent openersGreenhouse vent openers are the summertime equivalent of a greenhouse heater. From April and the months that follow, when the temperature rises and you are finally able to switch off your greenhouse heater and look forward to lazy summer months, rising temperatures and, hopefully good yields, your attention needs to turn to ventilation and as such, you may find yourself looking at greenhouse vent openers.

Your main concern during the winter-time is keeping the temperature within your greenhouse up and within the levels needed to prevent your crop from freezing, crystalising and dying before they’ve even had the chance to grow. Now that winter as gone, your challenge in the opposite – you need to prevent the temperature rocketing too high, drying out, dehydrating and eventually withering to a dead stump. Just like the cold, excessive heat is a killer to those vegetables that are cut out for it. Read More >>

Greenhouse Accessories

Greenhouse AccessoriesThere are a number of greenhouse accessories that can give a helping hand for your heating, insulating and venting of your greenhouse so that you can maintain the perfect environment to get the best from your plants and vegetables throughout the summer and winter months.

What follows is a non-exhaustive list of a number of greenhouse accessories that we recommend you consider either at the outset of your growing or when a particular situation arises over the life-time of your greenhouse. These accessories aren’t necessarily vital, but to get the most out of what you are doing then we to suggest at least thinking about them.

As mentioned, this list isn’t exhaustive and there are a number of lesser additions to your greenhouse that we haven’t covered here. Things won’t grind to a halt if you happen to be short on one or even all of these accessories but there will be some aspects of your greenhouse growing that may be limited in someway. Read More >>

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