So all your research is done. You’ve decided upon the best location within the garden. You’ve planned where everything goes and you’ve prepared the ground ahead of time. It’s now time to start building a greenhouse. So the day has finally arrived when you get to start building a greenhouse. If you haven’t arranged it […]
The Greenhouse Guide
Preparing Your Greenhouse Site
All the planning has been done and you’ve finally bought exactly what you needed – now it’s time for you to start preparing your greenhouse site. Before you begin construction of your greenhouse, you need to ensure that the site that you’ve chosen for placement is properly prepared. This preparation phase is extremely important when […]
Where To Place A Greenhouse
When you look out onto your garden and start to wonder where to place a greenhouse then you might by lucky enough to have a number of options available. However, with options come decisions that need to be made. This is a good thing because when you have a little flexibility in where you position […]
The Alternatives To A Greenhouse
What To Assess Before You Buy A Greenhouse
If you’ve been following the greenhouse guide over the previous articles, then you probably already have enough information to see you go out and buy a greenhouse. You will now know what a greenhouse is and what it’s for and you’ll know about the components of a greenhouse and why they are important. Finally, you […]
Notes On Greenhouse Design
When walking through your local gardening center you’ll be surprised to see just how many different sized and shaped options you have when it comes to greenhouse design. Depending on your needs, how much you’re willing to spend and the space that you have in your garden, you have options ranging from the basic and […]
The Components Of A Greenhouse
There are a number of integral parts to a greenhouse that you need to be able to understand before purchase so that you can be sure you’re making the correct decision. Structurally, a greenhouse is a fairly simple affair, certainly so those greenhouses built with an aluminium frame. Whatever the base material the greenhouse is […]
What Is A Greenhouse?
It sounds like a simple enough question, but when you do ask : What is a greenhouse? – many people would probably give a simple answer like ‘somewhere to grow plants’. And while that’s true on one level, there is much more to a greenhouse than just that. An appropriate greenhouse is often a judgement […]