Greenhouse Heaters

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What To Assess Before You Buy A Greenhouse

If you’ve been following the greenhouse guide over the previous articles, then you probably already have enough information to see you go out and buy a greenhouse.

What To Assess Before You Buy A Greenhouse

You will now know what a greenhouse is and what it’s for and you’ll know about the components of a greenhouse and why they are important. Finally, you will be aware of the different greenhouse designs that are available and how to determine the size of the greenhouse you need and what materials to use in its construction.

There is one last thing that you need to do before your purchase and that is to assess your needs in respect of your gardening and where a greenhouse will fit within that plan.

Assessing The Role Your Greenhouse Will Play

Do you really need a greenhouse? We know this is a guide on greenhouses and it’s like a shot in the foot, but the question needs asking. If all you want to do is raise a few bedding plants then maybe all you need is a heated propagator sitting on a windowsill in your home, or maybe just a couple of cold frames.

However, if you’re planning on going into full industrial greenhouse gardening, have a hug collection of big plants indoors that need moving, or looking to replace your entire vegetable grocery expenditure with your own grown at home, then you probably will need a greenhouse. Think of your greenhouse as the spider at the center of the web, with all the other gardening activities taking place around it. That’s the role of the greenhouse you’ll be buying.

The Future Is Unknown – So Try and Second Guess It!

Again, before running down to your local garden center to buy a greenhouse or reaching for your credit card to buy online, think about the longer term. Let’s face it, there aren’t many cheap greenhouses around and it doesn’t make much sense to go through the expenditure of purchasing a greenhouse only for you to move home the following year. Transporting a greenhouse to another location and re-assembling it is not the easiest of jobs and nor is it enjoyable.

So have a think about your future plans. Even along the lines of how you see your garden developing over the next few years. Think again about the orientation you have planned – would it be better facing another way? Would it be better in another part of the garden all together? Will that young sapling cause a problem with shade in years to come if you do put the greenhouse where you originally planned?

Asking questions such as these could save you time and money in the future, so best to think about them now before rushing out to buy.

Ask Questions Of Other Greenhouse Gardeners

Don’t be afraid to ask other gardeners what they think of their own greenhouses and the advantages and disadvantages of their particular set-up. People are usually very willing to share their thoughts on all manner of things associated with their garden. Also, travel to flower shows, garden centres and anywhere else where fellow gardeners gather and ask them their thoughts and opinions on what you have in mind. By doing these things, you get a really good understanding of what works and what doesn’t work and which greenhouse designs will be best for what you have planned with your own.

Tot Up All The Costs

Greenhouse Checklist
  • Size – make sure it is adequate for your needs and ambitions.
  • Cost – find out exactly what is included in the price.
  • Functionality – make sure the greenhouse is up to the job.
  • Usability – check for vents, doors, kicking panels, guttering, and places to attach shelving and other items you will need inside.
  • Appearance – does it look good? There’s no point in buying a greenhouse if you don’t like the look of it.

When you’ve narrowed your choice down to a few different models, then you need to find out what additional extras you’ll need to have your greenhouse up and running. Sometimes you’ll be able to get deals where the companies who are selling will include shelves, vents or guttering to try and tempt you. See what it is they offer and judge for yourself if they’ve made the deal any more appetising. If you can’t find a deal your happy with then you’ll have to consider future costs of buying this equipment for your greenhouse.

Try not to be too tempted by the cheapest models on the market. Like with anything, they are cheap for a reason. Decide for yourself whether you’ll be better served by paying out a little extra up front for a better greenhouse so as to save maintenance costs at a later date. That’s not to say you can’t find a few gems at the cheaper end of the market and it’s your own experience with greenhouses will help you to determine whether you’ve found one or not.

Look for those companies who will deliver and erect the greenhouse for you. While there is great satisfaction in building the greenhouse yourself if you have the time, it’s good to know that the company will sort out any little niggles and breakages that occur in the construction. Although this is an added cost, it could be worth it so you have a hassle free start to your burgeoning greenhouse life.

Think About Future Expenditure

The initial cost of an actual greenhouse can be quite high, so make sure you figure any extra costs you’ll have to face once you’re up and running. If you’re planning on connecting it to the mains so you can run propagators and electric heaters, this will be an extra cost – likewise if you want a water tap nearby. Think about automatic vent and door openers which will add to the usability of the greenhouse.

There are a whole raft of extra expenses that could catch you out if you don’t think about them now before you buy a greenhouse.

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